
A Phase I-II study supported by UCL ECMC has found that rucaparib can be used in the treatment of patients with high-grade ovarian cancer.

Welsh patients are to be some of the first in the world to access the drug-radiation combination trial, known as PARADIGM 2. The trial co-funded by Cancer Research UK and The Brain Tumour Charity, and is part of CRUK's ECMC Combinations Alliance and will be run at Velindre Cancer Centre by Dr James Powell.

Cancer Research UK is running sandpit-style workshops to generate innovative projects in cancer research

From Monday 10 April, Dr Ilaria Mirabile of the ECMC Programme Office is taking on a new role as Network Lead.

This year the ECMC Junior Investigators Network Group (JING) hosted its hugely successfully JING: Training the Next Generation residential in Glasgow. Now in its fifth year, the two-day meeting saw over 90 Network members come together to share their knowledge and experience in running early-phase clinical trials.

Following the recent review of the Adult and Paediatric ECMC Networks we are pleased to announce that we will be investing over £36 million into 18 adult locations across the UK, uniting world class cancer research and clinical expertise.