
Here we highlight how the ECMC network's activities will support our delivery partners in their response to the recommendations highlighted in Lord O'Shaughnessy's review into the commercial clinical trials landscape.

The ECMC programme office is happy to announce the opening of a new Clinical Trial Coordinator network for all trial coordination staff working on ECMC trials within the ECMC network.

Scientists and clinicians will receive £47.5 million over the next 5 years from a partnership between Cancer Research UK, NIHR, the health departments of the devolved nations and The Little Princess Trust to deliver early phases of clinical research, with the aim of generating new treatments for future generations.

Earlier this year we welcomed Laura Danielson, Children and Young People’s Research Lead to the ECMC team. Laura takes over from Sheona Scales who is currently on secondment in the CRUK Cancer Grand Challenge team. Find out more about Laura.

The ECMC Network Strategy was approved by the ECMC funders at the end of 2022. The Strategy has been developed in partnership with members of the ECMC network and stakeholders including industry, regulators and ECMC funders.

Over the past year the ECMC Research Nurse Network Group has delivered training for more than 40 research nurses new to working in early phase cancer research. The aim of this training is to equip new early phase research nurses to deliver high quality, patient-centred care within the regulatory framework. The ECMC has run this training at various locations across the UK five times. We recognised the importance of ensuring that new research nurses continued to have the opportunity to access this training. The one-day in person training was updated to become two half-day online sessions.