
The teams from ECMC North successfullly delivered their first online educational event on 19 October 2020. We have now moved to developing the content for the ECMC COVID-19 Community Hub, a curated online platform to build on the learnings from the workshops held in October.

Wondering what other centres do to overcome the challenges of COVID-19 for early phase trials? Interested in contributing to sharing best practice? Don’t know who to ask about COVID-19 implications when planning future trials? Then join ECMC North in the educational event to help develop a framework for delivery during the pandemic.

Below are two examples of work being done in Manchester to support the COVID effort.

By David Pinato et al. published in Cancer Discovery.
A large Imperial-led study has revealed valuable insights into the impact and risk factors for cancer patients with COVID-19. The findings, from almost 900 cancer patients diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 infection in the UK, Spain, Italy and Germany, highlight a number of key clinical insights, including:

The CATALYST trial is seeking signals of efficacy of drugs targeting the most serious symptoms of the COVID virus. The aim is to reduce the severity of the disease, leading to a reduction in the number of patients needing to be admitted to intensive care, and ultimately in deaths. The drugs being tested include those already in use for patients with cancer and inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Cancer Research UK has collated some of the guidelines from official sources on the collection and processing of human specimens for clinical and translational research during and after the COVID-19 pandemic into a single document.

UCLH is part of the Oxford COVID-19 vaccine trial and expected to recruit 500 participants in June.

Staff at Cardiff's ECMC have been transferring their talents to help tackle the pandemic, engaging in the rapid set-up and recruitment to COVID-related studies.

Trials are underway for a COVID-19 vaccine candidate developed by a team at Imperial College London.

Staff at Cardiff's ECMC have been transferring their talents to help tackle the pandemic, engaging in the rapid set-up and recruitment to COVID-related studies.