
To celebrate International Clinical Trials Day 2018 the Cancer Research UK Centre for Drug Development (CDD) are recognising staff who work across clinical trials by awarding them with a 'CDD Clinical Trial Heroes Award'. This years recipients include members from the ECMC network.

Due to the large number of applications received, the HRA are bringing forward the next round of recruitment for MPEs and CREs to register to become HRA Radiation Assurance Reviewers. The closing date for applications is Friday 6th April.

The Combinations Alliance partners with the ECMC Network to drive new combination therapies, including drug-radiotherapy combinations. ECMC studies such as PIONEER and PARADIGM-2 have been previously highlighted as successes in this area.

In January 2018 over 100 people from across the ECMC network came to Manchester to attend the sixth annual two day Junior Investigator Network Group (JING): Training the Next Generation event. This two day residential is aimed at junior investigators wishing to pursue and develop in the area of early phase trials and translational research within the ECMCs. Attendees included trainees, faculty, speakers and patient and public involvement representatives.

A collaborative workshop relating to definitions of complex trial designs was successfully held on 5 February 2018 in partnership with regulatory bodies (Health Research Authority, Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)) and other stakeholders including the research community (ECMC, Cancer Research UK, and Clinical Trials Units), devolved administrations and industry associations (The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry and UK BioIndustry Association).

The HRA is currently inviting MPEs and CREs to register to become HRA Radiation Assurance Reviewers

2017 has been a busy year for the ECMC network.
The new 5 year review officially started in April. With the renewed agreement of the 5 co-funders (CRUK; NIHR: CSO; HCRW; HSC), and on the back of a successful international peer review, we welcomed Liverpool back in the adult network, and saw an expansion from 9 to 11 locations in the paediatric network, with Southampton and Cambridge joining as new centres.

Following interest expressed by centres across the ECMC network, a newly established ECMC Haematology Network Group, led by Cardiff ECMC, met for the first time on the 25th October in the Hammersmith Hospital, with seven centres represented.
A key objective of the group is to strengthen the representation of Haematology within the ECMC Network, with the goal of enhancing the clinical and scientific contributions by this discipline.

Dr David Pinato has been awarded with a Cancer Research UK Postdoctoral Bursary for his project - Phenotypic characterisation of the anti-tumour immune response following loco-regional therapy of hepatocellular carcinoma.

It has been yet another busy year for the Stratified Medicine Programme (SMP2) and the National Lung Matrix Trial (NLMT) so we would like to extend a huge thank you to all our colleagues for their continued hard work and support, as well as to all the patients and their families who signed up to this new, innovative trial.