Successful consensus writing day on the set up and delivery of Innovative Trials led by the ECMC Programme Office

23 Jul 2018

Forty-seven delegates from across the research landscape (regulators, trials units, researchers, patients, trust R&D, funders and sponsors) came together on the 27 June 2018 to start work on producing a consensus paper about how we can streamline and promote innovative trials in the UK. The term innovative trials encompasses Platform, Umbrella, Basket, Complex , Adaptive and Modular trials.

Following the February Collaborative Workshop relating to definitions of complex trial designs, a second workshop was held at the ECMC Annual Network Meeting in May to gather support for the production of a consensus paper.

The response was overwhelmingly in favour of coming together to present the UK and specifically the ECMC network as the place to conduct this type of research.

In June, the day was organised into nine themes, five in the morning and four in the afternoon. The delegates were allocated groups and each group spent 25 minutes at each table. Each table had a table lead who will also be the writer for that section of the consensus paper, and a note taker.

The day, while tiring and intense worked very well and the delegates felt that we achieved as much in 25 minutes per table as we would have done with numerous meetings. 

‘It was truly one of the best organised days I think I’ve ever been to’ Deputy Unit Manager / Senior Medical Assessor, MHRA


‘Many thanks indeed for such an excellent workshop. The organisation was truly impressive, with very fruitful outcomes in terms of the consensus that seemed to be emerging’. Portfolio Manager for Department of Health and Social Care Research Networks.


Our aim now is to have a draft paper written as soon as possible with a view to having it published in the Autumn.

For more background on this piece of work please refer to the holding statement.