Meet new team member Khat Ali
28 Apr 2021

What is your role in the ECMC Programme Office?
As a project officer, I’m responsible for supporting the delivery of key projects within the ECMC Programme Office. This includes assisting with the Future Network Strategy, Industry Engagement and Comms. I also provide admin support for the Programme Office as well as acting as a first point of contact for inquiries.
When did you join the team and can you describe one highlight you have had since joining?
I joined the team in March 2021 and my biggest highlight has been how welcoming, friendly and helpful the team has been.
What was your experience before joining the team?
After graduating with a MSc in Biomedical Science, I worked for a diagnostics lab as a lab/admin assistant and more recently as a neurosurgery medical secretary.
What hobbies do you enjoy doing outside of work?
I really enjoy baking, trying out my own recipes and pre Covid I loved travelling and going to gigs!
If you were only able to read 1 book, watch 1 movie and listen to 1 song whilst stranded on an island, what would they be?
Goodnight Mr Tom by Michelle Magorian which is my all-time favourite childhood book, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and the Dock of the Bay by Otis Redding.